We’re now Pear Deck Learning!

Comprehensive K-12 solutions for enhanced learning.

Pear Deck Learning is a powerful ecosystem of education tools that assess progress, offer real-time feedback, and provide the differentiated instruction and gamified practice that keeps students engaged and excelling.
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Teacher instructing students in front of class.


Teachers agree: 8/10 teachers say Pear Deck Learning solutions give them actionable data and insights.1

< 1 minute

Create differentiated lesson packages in under 1 minute with Pear Deck Learning.2

13 million

13.1 million assessments delivered through Pear Assessment to help teachers assess student understanding.3

Tools Designed with Educators

Pear Deck Learning's innovative tools are designed in collaboration with educators and rooted in the science of learning, so they're proven to help students and schools succeed.

Pear Deck

Increase student participation and create more classroom connections with tailor-made presentations and real-time feedback.

Explore Pear Deck
Pear Deck mock up showing the ability to circle around a choice.
High-quality content
Student engagement and real-time feedback
Differentiated instruction

The Impact of Pear Deck

students have engaged in
lessons in Pear Deck.1
of Pear Deck users agree2 that Pear Deck supports active learning.
of users agree3 that Pear Deck helps students engage with lessons.
1Based on 2022-2023 school year. 2Agree is a combination of "Somewhat Agree" and "Strongly Agree. 3October 2021 customer-wide survey.

Pear Practice

Pear Practice is a gamified learning experience that facilitates differentiated practice through standards-aligned content.

Explore Pear Practice
Pear Practice title card, question card.
Differentiated practice
Standards-aligned content
Gamified engagement & collaboration

The Impact of Pear Practice

Growth in students who attempted standards-aligned, Certified items1
Of students on Pear Practice are practicing independently
Of teachers from Title-1 schools agree that Pear Practice helps foster a positive and supportive classroom
1From first attempt to most recent attempt

Pear Assessment

Visualize progress, identify gaps, and drive outcomes, all in one easy system.

Explore Pear Assessment
Pear Deck Learning proficiency bar chart example.
District assessments
Data warehousing
State Test Prep

The Impact of Pear Assessment

Tier 3 ESSA
Evidence to support the impact of Pear Assessment on academic growth on math and ELA in grades 4-8
Standards-aligned questions from trusted sources
Educators use Pear Assessment to identify learning gaps and prepare for state testing1
1Source: 2021 survey of current users

You help students. We help you.


For teachers, the right tools and support mean less time spent on paperwork and more time spent shaping young minds.

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Schools & Districts

Give administrators the ability to gather school and district-wide insights, deliver benchmarks, and ensure students are ready for state tests.

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The right tutor can change the course of a student's future. If you're passionate about tutoring, we want to hear from you.

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Admins and educators alike love Pear Deck Learning

“The analytics reports save me so much time and make our professional development workshops much more effective.”
Michele Scribner, Assistant Principal
Serrano High School
“We utilize Pear Deck so students are able to share their thoughts, ideas and questions in real time.”
Reed Buck, Middle School Science
Irvine Unified
“The student engagement and collaboration is absolutely unbelievable.”
Holly Wilder, 4th Grade Teacher

Privacy & Safety

Pear Deck Learning is committed to safeguarding the data entrusted to us and to the transparency and continual improvement that keeps that trust growing.

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Student Privacy Pledge 2020 badge.

1 October 2024 Hanover market research. Combination of somewhat and strongly agree to the statement: "Their solution gives us actionable data and insights"
2 Result of early internal user testing. On average, it takes 38.02 seconds to utilize Instant Lesson Plans to generate a lesson plan and at least two differentiated versions of the associated Pear Deck, Pear Practice, and Pear Assessment assets.
3 The all-time number of assessments assigned to a minimum of 5 students.