We’re now Pear Deck Learning!

We help teachers do what they do best

Pear Deck Learning's ecosystem of products helps you spend more time on students and less time on everything else. Insight on each student's progress and tools to increase personalization help you make the most of class time while streamlining administrative tools keep paperwork to a minimum.
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teacher and students in a classroom.

Pear Deck Learning helps teachers every day

Track individual student growth with data-driven insights, automatic assessment, and instant reports.

Pear Practice

Formerly Giant Steps

Pear Assessment

Formerly Edulastic

Pear Deck Tutor

Formerly TutorMe

Pear Deck

See academic progress with instant insights for personalized learning.

  • Make data-informed, real-time decisions about your instruction.
  • Experiment with a variety of formats to keep your students engaged.
Explore Pear Assessment

Pear Practice

Formerly Giant Steps

Pear Assessment

Formerly Edulastic

Pear Deck Tutor

Formerly TutorMe

Pear Deck

Instruct in a way that engages and promotes collaboration.

  • Increase student engagement and participation, instantly gauging their understanding.
  • Get the ability to connect 1:1 with every student.
  • Enhance classroom dynamics by encouraging active participation.
Explore Pear Deck

Pear Practice

Formerly Giant Steps

Pear Assessment

Formerly Edulastic

Pear Deck Tutor

Formerly TutorMe

Pear Deck

Encourage deep learning and student mastery of the material.

  • Give students the ability to practice, play, and grow on their own terms and at their own pace.
  • Gamified practice gives students opportunities to earn rewards, boosting motivation to learn more.
Explore Pear Practice

Pear Deck Learning helps teachers every day

Pear Deck
Pear Practice

Pairing the best of engaging instruction

Standards-aligned Pear Deck lessons seamlessly match up with Practice Sets from Pear Practice.

  • Enhance teacher-student interaction with real-time feedback and instruction in Pear Deck.
  • Reinforce growth mindset and collaboration via gamified, differentiated practice with Pear Practice.
Pear deck
Pear Practice
Pear Assessment