Introducing Edulastic Data Warehouse
Pear Assessment
As an all-in-one assessment tool, Edulastic is used for classroom formatives, summatives, and common exams across the country and world. Now, we’re excited to announce a brand new feature that truly takes Edulastic to the next level for schools and districts.
Edulastic can now serve as a data warehouse, combining Edulastic assessment data and data imported from other sources for a full picture of learning. This means that you can view reports in Edulastic that include scores imported from:
- State tests
- Other assessment systems like IREADY and MAP
- SAT/ACT scores
- And more!
Bringing all of your data together in one system with easy-to-read reports will give you a truly holistic view of student achievement, areas needing remediation, and growth.
Curious about Data Warehouse? Let us know and we will keep you in the loop.