Content Orchard Filtering
Pear Deck

With a nearly 1,000 deck library that the Pear Deck content team plans to continue to scale over the course of 2023, users required a simpler means for discovering content, rather than scrolling through content carousels.
Adding filtering will reduce the time it takes for a teacher to find the lesson they need and add the deck to their drive. This new filtering bar in the Pear Deck Content Orchard enables users to filter the content library on three dimensions:
1) Grade
2) Subject
3) Category (including both deck content and partner).
Users can select as many grades, subjects, and categories as they want and hit the 'Search' button to view the decks relevant to their criteria. From the results page, users can view deck details, add the decks that they love most to their drive, and then present the decks to their classes.